Diigo Bookmarks 07/13/2019
- How To Save 35 Hours Using A Design System | PGS Software
"Even at its least efficient, the difference between 73 and 36 hours is staggering - it cuts out over 50% of the time required! Not only do Design Systems remove all the unnecessary and repetitive tasks, it also streamlines the rest of the work."
- ::marker - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets | MDN
"The ::marker CSS pseudo-element selects the marker box of a list item, which typically contains a bullet or number. It works on any element or pseudo-element set to display: list-item, such as the <li> and <summary> elements."
- CSS :focus-within
"With :focus-within developers can modify styles of elements when an element or its parent has keyboard focus!"
- An Intro To Screen Reader Testing for Sighted Developers
"In the following, we'll take a closer look at some useful commands for using VoiceOver. Even though VoiceOver is used as a primary screen reader by only 11.7% of respondents of WEBAIM's Screen Reader User Survey in 2017, this screen reader is just like NVDA entirely free and will make it easy for you to get started with screen reader driven testing when you're on an OSX machine."
- Responsive design ground rules | Polypane responsive browser
"Creating a responsive design can be intimidating. There are many moving parts, things might lay out in ways you didn't expect and keeping all various viewports in mind when laying out a design can be daunting. With these ground rules, your responsive designs will be more robust and predictable."
- The Future of Websites: Headless CMSs ― Scotch.io
"As opposed to a traditional CMS, headless CMSes intentionally "chop off the head" thereby decoupling the front end from the back end. It therefore has no default frontend system and completely relinquishes the decision of presenting content to the developer."