Diigo Bookmarks 07/09/2019
- Design guidelines: how I get design done - UX Collective
"Design guidelines tell us how to apply principles. They are recommendations that provide instructions on how to convert principles to rules, like: "Educational tutorials contain well explained visuals"."
- [Infographic] The 2019 Email Client Market Share
"Gmail is offering marketers new opportunities to stand out in the inbox. That and the increasing popularity of Gmail among consumers makes this email client the #1 inbox provider for email marketers to look out for."
- WebDriver is Coming to Safari in iOS 13 | WebKit
"With the introduction of native WebDriver support in Safari on iOS 13, it's now possible to run the same automated tests of desktop-oriented web content on desktop and mobile devices equally."
- A Little Reminder That Pseudo Elements are Children, Kinda. | CSS-Tricks
"One tricky thing is that no selector selects it other than the one you used to create it (or a similar selector that is literally a ::before or ::after that ends up in the same place)."
- Why you should use CSS env() - LogRocket Blog
"CSS env() is not part of the official CSS spec yet, but the env() spec is in"Editor's Draft", and there's significant browser support for it, so will become part of the CSS spec once all of the details have been finalized."
- An approach to responsive layouts based on CSS custom properties and em units | CodyHouse
"It is true that by embracing a method like this one you lose some of your "visual" control, but it's in favor of simplicity and maintainability. When all your components are connected (thanks to relative units), making changes becomes a pain-free process"