Diigo Bookmarks 06/05/2019
- Skip Links Design Showcase -- Knowbility
"To help with design inspiration, here are a handful of sites utilizing Skip Links that work well with their site's brand"
- W3C Advisory Committee Elects Advisory Board | W3C News
"Beginning 1 July 2019, the following new elected participants, Elika J Etemad (W3C Invited Expert), Charles McCathie Nevile (ConsenSys), Avneesh Singh (DAISY Consortium), Eric Siow (Intel), Léonie Watson (TetraLogical), Chris Wilson (Google) and Judy (Hongru) Zhu (Alibaba), will join continuing participants"
- Grid, content re-ordering and accessibility
"I think this is something we sorely need to address at a CSS level. We need to provide a way to allow the tab and reading order to follow the visual order."
- Indicating focus to improve accessibility - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
"It is not just keyboard users that benefit, though. Focus indication also helps people who have limited attention spans or issues with short term memory, for example if they are filling out a lengthy form."
- An ultimate guide to form design: How to design converting online forms
"After helping our 4.5 million users create online forms, the main thing we have learned at JotForm is that seemingly subtle changes make a world of difference. Often, they are what distinguishes a form that converts from one that is abandoned."
- Your first performance budget with Lighthouse
"1. The number of a given resource - e.g., a budget which enforces that only 2 javascript files be loaded by the given page 2. The size of a given resource - e.g., a budget which enforces that the given page only loads 500kb of javascript"