Diigo Bookmarks 05/09/2019
- WeTransfer File Transfer Now Available in Thunderbird | The Mozilla Thunderbird Blog
"WeTransfer's file-sharing service is now available within Thunderbird for sending large files (up to 2GB) for free, without signing up for an account."
- Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: The new evergreen Googlebot
"Today, we are happy to announce that Googlebot now runs the latest Chromium rendering engine (74 at the time of this post) when rendering pages for Search. Moving forward, Googlebot will regularly update its rendering engine to ensure support for latest web platform features."
- Chromium Blog: Improving privacy and security on the web
"We announced at I/O that we will be updating Chrome to provide users with more transparency about how sites are using cookies, as well as simpler controls for cross-site cookies. We will preview these new features later this year."
- Dark Mode Support in WebKit | WebKit
"Specifying the values light and dark on the root element lets the engine know both modes are supported by the document. This changes the default text and background colors of the page to match the current system appearance."
- Why, How, and When to Use Semantic HTML and ARIA | CSS-Tricks
"Inclusive design is about providing the best possible experience to the broadest range of users. Semantic HTML helps technologies and therefore users understand content on the web. Enhancements offered by some browsers and devices mean that users get an even better experience baked in."
- Microsoft Edge - All the news from Build 2019 - Microsoft Edge Blog
"For our enterprise customers, we announced a new Internet Explorer mode that brings full IE11 compatibility to Microsoft Edge for your internal sites, without compromising the modern web experience on the public internet."