Diigo Bookmarks 04/30/2019
- Build Better Component Libraries with Styled System
"Components living in a shared library are inherently different from most application-specific components. While they may have different levels of reusability, they should be designed to look and behave consistently regardless of their application context. Also, they are generally created with reusability and extensibility in mind."
- Component Testing Plans - Nathan Curtis - Medium
"Quality stems from and is proven by an implemented testing plan by which components are inspected prior to release. This article describes criteria and tools for testing components and how to order making them at a high level to help teams plan."
- 10 heuristic principles for mobile interfaces - UX Collective
"Search the web for heuristic principles and a long list of slightly varied sets will populate. Below is a curated collection of ten principles that are inspired by human-centered design and usability thought leaders."
- A UI designer's primer to responsive grids - Drew McKinney - Medium
"How grid technologies such as Flexbox and CSS grid work, and how to use them with your designs"
- Web Components | Rangle.io
"if you decide to make a Web Component that acts like a button but not use the built-in element button you will have to make sure that you include information like role, aria-labels, tab-index, keyboard interactions in your element."
- Oh, the Many Ways to Make Triangular Breadcrumb Ribbons! | CSS-Tricks
"We could create a triangle using borders with pseudo-elements / We could use an SVG background image on pseudo-elements / We could use inline SVG images / We could create a clip-path using the polygon() function"