Diigo Bookmarks 04/29/2019
- User-centered versus user-centric design | Koos Looijesteijn
"When environmental and societal sustainability are taken into account, user-centered design is a driving force behind the advance of our civilization. We try to prioritize user needs, but sometimes we have to prioritize technical constraints or business needs over them. We have to make these trade-offs all the time."
- The CSS Handbook: a handy guide to CSS for developers
"This article will help you get up to speed with CSS and get an overview of the main modern features you can use to style your pages and apps."
- Introducing Base Web, Uber's New Design System for Building Websites in React | Uber Engineering Blog
"Since all web applications work differently, it puts additional overhead on our employees to learn how to interact with them most effectively. This can lead to engineers spending a lot of time and effort reinventing the wheel instead of leveraging a universal design system across the company."
- Size in Design Systems - EightShapes - Medium
"This article describes how consider density using component size and height. Next, it describes how to unify size across components step-by-step. To conclude, lessons learned season perspectives of those adding size to a system."
- Privacy UX: Privacy-Aware Design Framework -- Smashing Magazine
"This series of articles is about privacy-related design patterns. We'll be exploring some of the respectful ways to approach privacy and data collection, and how to deal with the notorious cookie consent prompts, intrusive push notifications, glorious permission requests, malicious third-party tracking and offboarding experience."
- It's Complicated: Mozilla's 2019 Internet Health Report - The Mozilla Blog
"Governments worldwide continue to restrict internet access in a multitude of ways, ranging from outright censorship to requiring people to pay additional taxes to use social media. In 2018, there were 188 documented internet shutdowns around the world."