Diigo Bookmarks 04/28/2019
- Developer Tools UI updates for Microsoft Edge Insiders - Microsoft Edge Blog
"Our data shows that more than 85% of users are using some variation of a dark theme in VS Code, so we decided to flip the browser DevTools to dark theme by default."
- HTTP headers for the responsible developer - Twilio
"Developers have the power to build the web for everyone, but that power needs to be used responsibly. What matters, in the end, is building things that help and enable people. In this article, I want to share how HTTP headers can help you build better products for a better web for everyone."
- Accenture sued over website redesign so bad it Hertz: Car hire biz demands $32m+ for 'defective' cyber-revamp • The Register
"Among the most mind-boggling allegations in Hertz's filed complaint is that Accenture didn't incorporate a responsive design, in which webpages automatically resize to accommodate the visitor's screen size whether they are using a phone, tablet, desktop, or laptop."
- A history of the HTML slot element - Component Kitchen
"We just felt that what was being proposed (v0 APIs) were the wrong primitives... Fundamentally, Apple's WebKit team always liked the basic idea of web components... I think the large part of contention was really miscommunications."
- CSS Spatial Navigation Level 1
"This specification defines a general model for navigating the focus using the arrow keys, as well as related CSS, JavaScript features and Events."
- Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: Enriching Search Results Through Structured Data
"To help give a complete overview of structured data, we decided to do a series to explore it. This post provides a quick intro and discusses some best practices, future posts will focus on how to use Search Console to succeed with structured data."
- Using a Mixin to Take the Math out of Responsive Font Sizes | CSS-Tricks
"Responsive Font Size (RFS) is an engine that automatically calculates and updates the font-size property on elements based on the dimensions of the browser viewport."