Diigo Bookmarks 04/25/2019
- That Time I Tried Browsing the Web Without CSS | CSS-Tricks
"CSS is really a layer of progressive enhancement. The hierarchy, form controls, and other elements should also remain intact under their user agent styles. The look and feel, while important, is second when it comes to making sure elements are functional at their core."
- Preload, prefetch and other <link> tags: what they do and when to use them · PerfPerfPerf
"One of those ways is to preload content you'll need later in advance. Prefetch a CSS file, prerender a full page, or resolve a domain ahead of time - and you won't have to wait for it when it's actually needed! Sounds cool."
- A checklist for more inclusive, accessible, measurable and understandable talks | Christian Heilmann
"I learned about different needs of different audiences and how to prepare your talk to make it as easy as possible for organisers to work with you. More importantly, though, I learned how to ensure that my presentations can be understood, don't offend and work in even the worst organised environments."
- Usablenet - Retailers targeted multiple times by ADA Web Accessibility Lawsuits
"In 2018, 25 percent of all ADA web accessibility actions were filed against retailers that had been previously listed in a suit. Some retailer holding companies have been sued seven times or more over 2017 and 2018."
- The Climate and Cloudflare
"We currently have 175 data centers in more than 75 countries around the world, as well as 11 offices in San Francisco (our global HQ) London, Singapore, New York, Austin, San Jose, Champaign, Washington, D.C. Beijing, Sydney, and Munich. In order to reduce our carbon footprint, we have purchased RECs to match 100% of the power used in all those data centers and offices around the world as well."
- Presenting search app and browser options to Android users in Europe
"Following the changes we made to comply with the European Commission's ruling last year, we'll start presenting new screens to Android users in Europe with an option to download search apps and browsers."
- PWABuilder 2.0 and beyond! - PWABuilder - Medium
"PWABuilder 2.0 includes an all new design that is much more user friendly, new snippits to help you easily use new web APIs such as the Web Share API and the async Clipboard API and sets us up for many more exciting features coming down the road."