Diigo Bookmarks 04/21/2019
- Using Preload and Prefetch in Your HTML to Load Assets ← Alligator.io
"That's because using preload or prefetch only fetches the resource, but it doesn't apply it. Instead, it keeps it in memory and is up to you to decide when to load it."
- HTML5 Landmarks Exposed | scottohara.me
"As far as banner, navigation and main landmarks are concerned, outside of a single navigation failure with Edge + NVDA, these landmarks are exposed consistently and you may be able to safely ignore providing them roles."
- Accessibility Events | CSS-Tricks
"We've all found ourselves inescapably opted into using the "mobile" version of a website at some point. We've been here before as users; we've made these mistakes before as developers. We know better now."
- CSS { In Real Life } | Controlling leftover Grid items with pseudo-selectors
"By combining :nth-child() and :last-child pseudo-selectors, we can detect whether an item is a widow or not and adjust our styles accordingly."
- Adactio: Journal--Drag'n'drop revisited
"The logic was fine, but the execution was flawed. I was being lazy and hiding the select elements with display: none. That hides them visually, but it also hides them from screen readers."
- How to build a Design System from scratch | Dribbble Design Blog
"It's important to note that documentation shouldn't just be written once and then left alone forever. Design System documentation should be a living and breathing document that evolves over time."