Diigo Bookmarks 04/12/2019
- Protections Against Fingerprinting and Cryptocurrency Mining Available in Firefox Nightly and Beta - Future Releases
"In collaboration with Disconnect, we have compiled lists of domains that serve fingerprinting and cryptomining scripts. Now in the latest Firefox Nightly and Beta versions, we give users the option to block both kinds of scripts as part of our Content Blocking suite of protections."
- Usablenet - ADA-Based Web Accessibility Claims Continue Record-Breaking Rise in 2019
"Lawsuits have increased 31% in Q1 of 2019 compared to the same quarter last year. Retailers find themselves in the cross-hairs, making up 60% of all claims and with some companies facing multiple suits."
- Privacy UX: Better Cookie Consent Experiences -- Smashing Magazine
"Cookie consent pop-ups don't have to be tiny and unreadable. We could try to integrate them into our overall experience too. Case in point: Oreo, with an Oreo's cookie displayed as a cookie consent prompt."
- Creating a full bleed CSS utility - Andy Bell
"Sometimes you want to break your components out of the constraints that they find themselves in. A common situation where this occurs is when you don't have much control of the container that it exists in, such as a CMS main content area."
- What design gets wrong about women
"The news of the cancellation of the all-female space walk triggered a flashback to my childhood. Just when female astronauts were finally "allowed" to work together as a team, unchaperoned by male colleagues, a glitch in the product ecosystem ruined a landmark achievement."
- Design recommendations to improve digital payment experience
"In the midst of all the innovation and evolution around digital payments, in my experience, most of the apps and websites miss nailing the last mile of the user's experience of making a digital payment. The difference between good and great is attention to detail."