Diigo Bookmarks 04/01/2019
- Ikea This Ables
"ThisAbles project was created to enable people with special needs to enjoy the quality of life provided by IKEA products."
- Enforcing Accessibility Best Practices with Automatically-Generated IDs
"One little trick that I picked up from browsing the Lightning Design System React library was automatically generating ids using a little library called shortid, which generates a unique gobbledygook string like qPbdivDEiH."
- WCAG 2.2 working process - WCAG WG
"The WCAG 2.2 Success criteria acceptance requirements outline what the (potential) new SCs should be, this page is how the AGWG intends to work on those. This is mostly based on the Write up from TPAC 2018."
- Under-Engineered Toggles | Adrian Roselli
"For this post, I am only going to provide styles to visually convert a standard checkbox into a visual toggle. No ARIA, no script, no special features. A progressively enhanced checkbox that will continue to work if the CSS file does not load"
- All you need to know about hyphenation in CSS | Clagnut by Richard Rutter
"There is more to setting hyphenation than just turning on the hyphens. The CSS Text Module Level 4 has introduced the same kind of hyphenation controls provided in layout software (eg. InDesign) and some word processors (including Word)."
- Designing An Aspect Ratio Unit For CSS -- Smashing Magazine
"The CSS Working Group have designed an aspect ratio unit for CSS. While this isn't in browsers yet, this article takes a look at the process of designing a new sizing method and explains how it will work."