Diigo Bookmarks 03/04/2019
- Look Ma, No Media Queries! Responsive Layouts Using CSS Grid | CSS-Tricks
"Not only has CSS Grid reshaped the way we think and build layouts for the web, but it has also contributed to writing more resilient code, replacing "hacky" techniques we've used before, and in some cases, killing the need to rely on code for specific resolutions and viewports."
- Six tips for better web typography | CSS-Tricks
"For some reason, a lot of folks tend to think that paragraphs on smaller devices require a larger line-height value -- but this isn't the case! Because the width of paragraphs are smaller, line-height can be even smaller than you might on desktop displays."
- Typography for Developers | CSS-Tricks
"Typeface: The design of a collection of glyphs (e.g. letters, numbers, symbols) Font: A specific size, weight, or style of a typeface (e.g. regular, bold, italic)"
- Component frameworks and web standards
"At last year's Fronteers Conference, I had numerous conversations about the merits of using client-side frameworks for virtual DOMs, declarative templating and routing, versus a classic, vanilla approach to building websites. I had always been a vanilla-fan, but built a recent project in a framework, liked that too, and, well... I think they aren't the polar opposites that they used to be in my head!"
- Accessible Brand Colors by Use All Five
"This tool shows you how ADA compliant your colors are in relation to each other. By adding your brand's colors on the right, you can generate a chart to see how they can be used together for accessibility, and find similar colors that work better."
- Earth - Celestial Buddies
"Earth...is good natured and a true blue friend! Earth is our home and currently the only planet in the Universe where life is known to exist."