Diigo Bookmarks 03/02/2019
- 5by5 | The Big Web Show #184: Accessibility is not a "nice to have" - with Derek Featherstone
"Why do companies de-prioritize accessibility? Making a digital map accessible to the blind. Pros and cons of the straw test. Why simulating a disability is not the same as working with disabled people. Using Twitter threads to prototype book chapters. How diversity (including neurodiversity and diversity of ability) makes for a better product. Changing small habits in your life leads to changing big ones."
- Don't Get Clever with Login Forms | Brad Frost
"As time goes on I find myself increasingly annoyed with login forms. As password managers like 1Password (which is what I use) and Chrome's password manager (which I also sorta use) become more popular, it's important for websites to be aware of how users go about logging into their sites."
- CSS selectors level 4 - LogRocket
"At the time of this writing, the specification for level 4 selectors is in draft status. It may change until it reaches the official recommendation status, and you'll find that many selectors are either not supported by some browsers or they need to be prefixed (with :-moz- or :-webkit-)."
- Why do we celebrate inaccessible design? - Skills Matter - Medium
"Why does accessibility not receive the attention it deserves? Because people are not yet aware of what potential it promises for designers, businesses, developers, writers and everyone involved in producing digital tools."
- What is actually CSS-in-JS? - DailyJS - Medium
"I am not saying CSS-in-JS is the only future we can have, the point is though that if the community doesn't understand the problems those tools are trying to solve, how are we going to move forward?"
- AddyOsmani.com - JavaScript Loading Priorities in Chrome
"Thanks to Kouhei Ueno, we now have an up to date summary of script scheduling in Chrome."