Diigo Bookmarks 02/16/2019
- Creating Accessible Text - Mandy Michael - Medium
"It's not enough that you get a green "Pass" -- the size and weight of the text plays an important part and this can vary greatly between different fonts."
- The "Backendification" of Frontend Development - Hacker Noon
"Unfortunately, SPA and CSS frameworks tend to result in relatively complex solutions where traditionally separated concerns - HTML-structure, CSS-style, and JS-behaviour - are blended together as a matter of course -- Counter to the lessons learned by previous generations."
- The only reason your CSS fails - LogRocket
"For starters, we humans are not that good at memorizing a ginormous (and ever-growing) set of rules, but also, this leads into skipping through CSS theory concepts, which comes back to bite us every time."
- instant.page
"instant.page uses just-in-time preloading -- it preloads a page right before a user clicks on it."
- Designing for Dark Mode | KIRUPA
"It exists as part of the Web Inspector, more generally known as the Safari developer tools. When you bring up Web Inspector, make sure the Elements tab is active and look to the right of the panel. You will see a series of icons. The second icon from the left represents a toggle for jumping between light and dark modes"
- CSS { In Real Life } | To Grid or to Flex?
"What surprised me about reading the responses in the thread was the number of people stating that they would only use Grid for page-level layout, and flexbox for everything else. If you take this as a rule, then you're severely limiting yourself when it comes to Grid's power."