Diigo Bookmarks 01/17/2019
- Notion - The all-in-one workspace for your notes, tasks, wikis, and databases.
"Write, plan, collaborate, and get organized. Notion is all you need -- in one tool."
- The Cost of Accessibility False Positives | Deque
"Ac·ces·si·bil·i·ty False Pos·i·tive (noun) - an accessibility issue result that is mistaken result or is a duplicate issue that is created from a faulty automated accessibility tool."
- HTML5 Input Types: Where Are They Now? -- Smashing Magazine
"A lot has changed in the browser landscape in the four years since the HTML5 specification became a recommendation. Support for the newer types of input is fairly strong -- particularly in mobile devices with virtual keyboards such as tablets and phones."
- Big Win for Web Accessibility in Domino's Pizza Case - Law Office of Lainey Feingold
"The judges rejected Domino's argument that the absence of regulations specifically requiring web accessibility or referencing the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines doomed the case."
- How Improving Website Performance Can Help Save The Planet -- Smashing Magazine
"as well as helping the web become a bit more environmentally friendly, sustainable web design is fundamentally best practice web design."
- Color Blindness Considerations for Designers and Content Managers
"if people who are color blind or older can't see them, they are discriminatory. It's also a ridiculously bad business practice -- the whole purpose of thoughtful design is to ATTRACT users to your website / app over that of your competitors, not drive them away."
- Reader Mode: The Button to Beat | CSS-Tricks
"Good design is about doing the hard work to accommodate the different ways people access a solution to an identified problem."