Diigo Bookmarks 12/24/2018
- Tables and Beers - 24 Accessibility
"For simple tables at least, browser and screen reader interoperability is good. Developers need only use <th> to identify column or row headers and modern browsers take care of the rest or in the case of IE11 screen readers fix its brokenness."
- A monumental Japanese HPH has lost display place in a revamped museum. | Japanese HPA
"according to a Japanese aviation magazine "Aireview", acutually YURI-I had been disassembled in frame and 8 rotor blades and they have been left in not air-conditioned storehouse of the museum."
- Microsoft Edge Insider
"Calling all developers and tinkerers: your voices will help us shape the next version of Microsoft Edge. Sign up to be the first to know when preview builds are available."
- Designing Your Site Like It's 1998 ◆ 24 ways
"As 2018 draws to a close, we're certain we know how to design and develop products and websites better than we did at the end of 1998."
- Regarding CSS's Global Scope | CSS-Tricks
"Personally, I wish it was possible to make the shadow DOM one-way permeable: styles can leak in, but styles defined inside can't leak out."
- State of Design Systems 2018
"We surveyed 499 practitioners across the field to share their perspective on topics ranging from when they started their design system to whether they have a dedicated team to maintain it."
- The Accessibility of Styled Form Controls & Friends | a11y_styled_form_controls
"A repository of styled and "styled" form control elements and markup patterns, and how they are announced by screen readers."
- The Thumb Zone
"Large screens on phones are not going away anytime soon. At the same time, our thumbs aren't going to magically start getting longer. That shrinking percentage of reachable screen real-estate needs to become the focus of interactivity, while the outer regions of the screen are devoted mainly to information display."