Diigo Bookmarks 11/24/2018
- ActivityPub Rocks!
"ActivityPub is a decentralized social networking protocol based on the ActivityStreams 2.0 data format. ActivityPub is an official W3C recommended standard published by the W3C Social Web Working Group."
- Felipe - Turn wireframes into UI
"Instead of searching through your long list of symbols, just draw simple shapes or text layers, and magically turn them into the symbols you meant to add."
- Supporting older browsers | Zell Liew
"Why are you trying to support the old browser you're trying to support? / What level of support are you giving? / It is worth the resources you've allocated?"
- Should Designers Code · Jens Oliver Meiert
"How can a designer be truly creative if everything needs to happen within the bounds of technical feasability--bounds that are even narrower when we consider that even developers aren't clear about what's actually possible to build, and how to do so?"
- The Current State of Styling Scrollbars | CSS-Tricks
"The standards bodies that be have moved toward a standardizing methods to style scrollbars, starting with the gutter (or width) of them."
- 3 Pro Tips on Alignment - Learn UI Design
"Little-known truth of UI design: if your designs look sloppy/cluttered at all, you're probably not aligning the elements enough"