Diigo Bookmarks 11/19/2018
- Inlining or Caching? Both Please! | Filament Group, Inc., Boston, MA
"A better approach might be to load a full version of the CSS that does not contain the critical rules at all, and then use the Caches API to combine the critical and full CSS files to create a full site CSS entry in local cache."
- Home | web.dev
"With actionable guidance and analysis, web.dev helps developers like you learn and apply the web's modern capabilities to your own sites and apps."
- Performance Rule #1: Do What You Need to Do--But Not More · Jens Oliver Meiert
"Publish the content you need to publish. Write the code you need to write. Use the assets you need to use. Embed the third party styles and scripts you need to embed. But don't do anything more than that."
- Up to speed with web performance
"Tammy also said you can define your own custom metrics. Some companies do, like Twitter ('Time to First Tweet')."
- Five years of PostCSS: State of the Union -- Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians' team blog
"Unfortunately, not all Grid features are yet supported. You cannot use the Autoprefixer's familiar "run and forget" approach and still need to double-check the result manually."
- Why Do All Websites Look the Same? - Member Feature Stories - Medium
"In other words, templates are content agnostic. And that is the problem."
- Why Browsers Download Stylesheets With Non-Matching Media Queries
"The thing is, the user could always decide to resize their window (impacting width, height, aspect ratio), to print the document, etc., and even things that at first sight seem static (like the resolution) can change when a user with a multi-screen setup moves a window from say a Retina laptop screen to a bigger desktop monitor, or the user can unplug their mouse, and so on."