Diigo Bookmarks 11/18/2018
- Webpages Are Getting Larger Every Year, and Here's Why it Matters
"We gathered statistics from the top 1000 websites in the world to see how large their pages are. We'll look at what's driving this change and how you can track the size of your own company's site."
- The Power of Web Components - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
"Custom Elements have already been used to make it easier to build VR content on the web, spawned multiple UI toolkits, and much more. Despite the long standardization process, the emerging promise of Web Components puts more power in the hand of creators."
- Keyboard-Only Focus Styles | CSS-Tricks
"focus styles are most useful when tabbing or otherwise navigating with a keyboard, and less so when they are triggered by a mouse click. Now we've got :focus-visible!"
- FE webdev on iPad Pro (2018) - Noteworthy - The Journal Blog
"My productivity varies wildly depending on what type of project I'm working on, and I'd represent the differences in two diagrams."
- Editorial Layouts, Floats, and CSS Grid | Rob Weychert
"how CSS Exclusions--which are more capable than floats--could be the solution to this conundrum if they can get broader browser support."
- Developer Preview of better AMP URLs in Google Search - Accelerated Mobile Pages Project
"Google Chrome has since started an origin trial for Signed Exchanges in Chrome 71. Today Google Search is opening up a developer preview of this technology that any publisher can try out for themselves."
- Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: PageSpeed Insights, now powered by Lighthouse
"This allows developers to get the same performance audits and recommendations everywhere: on the web, from the command line, and in Chrome DevTools."