Diigo Bookmarks 10/26/2018
- PDP UX: Core Product Content Is Overlooked in 'Horizontal Tabs' Layouts (Yet 28% of Sites Have This Layout) - Articles - Baymard Institute
"During testing, two product page layouts were observed to generally perform well across product types and industries. These are "Vertically Collapsed Sections" and "One Long Page with a Sticky TOC" layouts."
- marcus.io · Developing websites for Apple Watch [Updated]
"currently, the order of precedence that determines what text goes in the status bar if there are multiple potential sources is (1) text of an associated label, (2) arial-label attribute, (3) title attribute, and finally (4) placeholder as a last resort."
- Free Cross Browser Testing Tool on Cloud - LambdaTest
"Perform Cross Browser Testing on 2000+ Real Browsers and Operating System Online"
- Finding the Way: screen reader strategies | Last Call Media
"Since I only use a screen reader for testing, it's often difficult to assess what a full time screen reader user is expecting, is accustomed to, or finds annoying. Where is the trade-off between clarity and excess verbosity or redundancy? I can only imagine."
- Trying to explain reduce motion to designers who don't have a vestibular disorder | Revert to Saved: A blog about design, gaming and technology
"The company's accessibility people have been broadly impressive when it comes to being reactive to comments and requests I've made. But it seems there's no systematic checking of triggers throughout the operating system."
- If it's interactive, it needs a focus style
"Focus styles are an integral part of any mature design system. This talk will discuss the intersection of WCAG compliance and Inclusive Design, as well as new focus-related CSS selectors."