Diigo Bookmarks 09/23/2018
- The "Developer Experience" Bait-and-Switch | Infrequently Noted
"JavaScript is the web's CO2. We need some of it, but too much puts the entire ecosystem at risk."
- Debunking Myths in Securing Websites
"The costs of dealing with various repercussions of a data breach (like loss of customer trust, loss of brand reputation, compliance fines etc) are much higher than the cost of making investments to secure the website."
- Accessibility Cheat Sheet -- Practical approaches to Universal Design
"Practical approaches to Universal Design for making your website/webapp accessible to everyone"
- ojanvafai/intrinsicsize-attribute: Proposal to add an intrinsicsize attribute to media elements
"There's no way to do media that maintains aspect ratio, is proportional to the width of the screen, and doesn't cause a user visible reflow."
- Mismatch | How Inclusion Shapes Design -- Kat Holmes
"Disability is a mismatched interaction between the features of a person's body and the features of the environment in which they live"
- WAI-ARIA menus, and why you should generally avoid using them › Marco's Accessibility Blog
"In my opinion, these menu* roles should be deprecated in WAI-ARIA 2.0, but I realise that that might not be feasible. Moreover, since we do have applications like Google Docs which implement such a menu system, we still need them."