Diigo Bookmarks 09/22/2018
- The WHATWG Blog -- The state of fieldset interoperability
"The fieldset element is used on 8.41% of the web pages, which is higher than other popular features, such as the video and canvas elements; however, the legend element is used on 2.46% of web pages, which is not ideal for assistive technologies."
- CSS Only Floated Labels with :placeholder-shown pseudo class - Call Me Nick
"Registering a focus event, determining if an input has value, animating a hidden element into view, deciding whether it needs to stay in view or not depending on input value... this seems like a job for JavaScript, right? Wrong! We're gonna use a neat CSS pseudo class, :placeholder-shown"
- Introducing Bing AMP viewer and Bing AMP cache | Webmaster Blog
"On Monday, the 17th we started the first phase of the global roll out of this AMP viewer and AMP carrousel in the United States for the news carrousel. We will continue the phased roll out to more web sites, more countries and regions and other links in the search results pages."
- Adactio: Journal--A framework for web performance
"When it comes to web performance, the eternal question is "What should we measure?" The answer to that question will determine where you then concentrate your efforts--whatever it is your measuring, that's what you'll be looking to improve."
- チェンジセット 236306 - WebKit
"If the total area of all backdrop filters on the page gets too large, the universe collapses in on itself and we enter the Quantum Realm (i.e. crash horribly)."
- A Book Apart, Image Performance
"Responsive Issues Community Group (RICG) chair Mat Marquis helps us make smart decisions about images and shows us the swiftest way to improve a website's performance"
- What is Modular CSS?
"Modular CSS is a collection of principles for writing code that is performant and maintainable at scale. It originated with developers at Yahoo and Yandex as a way to address the challenges of maintaining a large codebase. Some of the guidelines were controversial when introduced, but have since come to be recognized as best practices."