Diigo Bookmarks 09/01/2018
- Disable scripts for Data Saver users on slow connections - Chrome Platform Status
"If a Data Saver user is on a 2G-speed or slower network according to the NetInfo API, Chrome disables scripts and sends an intervention header on every resource request. Users are shown a UI at the bottom of the screen indicating the page has been modified to save data. Users can enable scripts on the page by tapping "Show original" in the UI."
- Service Worker Caching Strategies Based on Request Types
"consider leveraging Request.destination for your service worker's routing logic. It may not be able to handle all routes and there are important exceptions and corner cases, but it's definitely a good idea to reduce the coupling of service worker logic and URL structure as much as possible."
- A Native Lazy Load for the Web | CSS-Tricks
"At this point, it is difficult to tell if these page optimizations could cause compatibility issues for existing sites."
- Web Development and the GDPR · Jens Oliver Meiert
"blindly referencing foreign-origin URLs (that is, embedding resources without any referrer policy in place) exposes referrer information to those foreign origins, and with that means a privacy hazard."
- Changing Our Approach to Anti-tracking - Future Releases
"In the near future, Firefox will -- by default -- protect users by blocking tracking while also offering a clear set of controls to give our users more choice over what information they share with sites."
- Axe-core gets WCAG 2.1 rules | Deque
"As part of our ongoing effort to spread accessibility across the world, we are introducing a new localisations of axe-core and of the axe extensions for Chrome and Firefox. These will include translations for French and Japanese."