Diigo Bookmarks 08/26/2018
- A Tale of Two Buttons - Buildit @wiprodigital - Medium
"Furthermore, and perhaps more importantly, I think embracing CSS's cascade can be a great way to encourage consistency and simplicity in UIs."
- The Whats and Whys of WCAG 2.1 | Object Partners
"Some of these new guidelines are straightforward, while others may take a little explanation. In this post I'd like to give a brief overview of what each new recommendation is and why we should care about it."
- Subtract Guides - undefined
"Forms allow communication on the internet and enable commerce. They allow businesses to collect information and aggregate value. Many form standards are making their way into AR, VR, and MR applications. Forms should be designed well. Here are a couple notes and observations."
- Firefox's :screenshot command - Eric's Archived Thoughts
"Back in 2015, I wrote about Firefox's screenshot utility, which used to be a command in the GCLI. Well, the GCLI is gone now, but the coders at Mozilla have brought command-line screenshotting back with :screenshot, currently available in Firefox Nightly and Firefox Dev Edition. It's available in the Web Console"
- The Uncertain Web - O'Reilly Media
"By combining web standards, progressive enhancement, an iterative approach to design and development, and a desire to question the status quo, your team can create sites and applications that will perform well in a wide range of present and future devices."
- Getting to the Picture Element - The History of the Web
"The story of how responsive images made its way into the browser doubles as an inside look at the standards making process itself."
- The Best Mobile Browser: Benchmarking Performance and Data Usage
"The mobile browser you choose can make a big difference in terms of page-load time and data usage. We saw that the Puffin browser was able to load pages much faster than the default Safari browser on an Apple iPhone 7."