Diigo Bookmarks 08/19/2018
- Dynamic resources using the Network Information API and service workers
"In this article, we are going to be building a demo example that inspects each HTTP request to determine if the current user has a connection speed that is slower than 3G. If so, we will swap out the image in our service worker and return a lightweight placeholder instead."
- Icon Fonts vs SVGs - Which One Should You Use In 2018?
"more often than not, SVGs are the preferred method. They're much more scalable, offer a better user experience, and are supported by all major browsers."
- Practical CSS Scroll Snapping | CSS-Tricks
"The great thing about CSS-based scroll snapping is that you're not taking direct control over the scroll position. Instead you're just giving the browser a list of positions to snap in a way that is appropriate to the platform, input method, and user preferences."
- PWA: Progressive Web All-the-things - Tales of a Developer Advocate by Paul Kinlan
"I've tried to articulate this as a set of principles that the user should feel when using the web. Your experience should be: DISCOVERABLE, SAFE, FAST, SMOOTH, RELIABLE, MEANINGFUL"
- Google AMP - A 70% drop in our conversion rate. - Rockstar Coders
"I've been creating sophisticated websites for over 20 years, and I can't even be sure Google is serving up my content consistently?"
- A native lazy load for the Web platform
"A new Chrome feature dubbed "Blink LazyLoad" is designed to dramatically improve performance by deferring the load of below-the-fold images and third party iFrames."
- On HTTPS and Hard Questions - TimKadlec.com
"The three pillars--security, accessibility and performance--can't be considered in isolation. All three play a role and must be built-up in concert with each other."