Diigo Bookmarks 08/12/2018
- What happens when you type 'google.com' into a browser and press Enter? - DEV Community
"My most favorite interview question I've come across yet was "You type 'google.com' into a browser address bar and hit <Enter>, what happens afterwards?""
- Bits. -- Ethan Marcotte
"Yes, the web is far, far too slow. We should talk about digital design practices that could be better, and advocate for change. But ultimately, the web's performance problem is a problem of profitability."
- Seriously, though. What is a progressive web app? - Amberley Romo - Medium
""Progressive web app" (PWA) is both a general term for a new philosophy toward building websites and a specific term with an established set of three explicit, testable, baseline requirements."
- Improving Performance at The Atlantic - Building The Atlantic
"Going into our recent redesign, we outlined many front end goals. One of which was to improve performance overall by 20%. Another goal was to launch as a Progressive Web App."
- The Web is Made of Edge Cases by Taylor Hunt on CodePen
"People will use your site how they want, and according to their means. That is wonderful, and why the Web was built."
- What Happens When You Create A Flexbox Flex Container? -- Smashing Magazine
"In this article, I've taken the initial values of Flexbox, in order to explain what actually happens when you say display: flex. It's a surprising amount once you begin to unpack it, and contained within these few properties are many of the key features of flex layouts."
- Are These Browsers Going to the Moon? | Viget
"Coming up are four browsers that may change the way we think about the internet."