Diigo Bookmarks 08/11/2018
- Creating the "Perfect" CSS System - Gusto Design - Medium
"A high level guide for designers and developers who write CSS, but want to be more strategic about building moderate to large scale CSS systems"
- Visability93
"The original wheelchair symbol was designed by Danish designer Susanne Koefoed when she was a student in 1968. The fact is, 93-95% of people with disabilities are not wheelchair users."
- "Designer + Developer Workflow," an article by Dan Mall
"The way designers and developers work together today is broken. It's too siloed and separate; "collaboration" is a fantasy that few enjoy."
- Call for Review: EPUB 3.2 | W3C Blog
"EPUB 3.2 is a modular family of specifications. Feel free to review any or all of them. Note that we have not made any changes to EPUB Accessibility, as it is not tied to a particular version of EPUB."
- Well-Controlled Scrolling with CSS Scroll Snap | Web | Google Developers
"CSS Scroll Snap provides an easy to use and consistent API for building these popular UX patterns and Chrome is shipping a high fidelity and fast implementation of it in version 69."
- The Cost Of JavaScript In 2018 - Addy Osmani - Medium
"Another thing to keep in mind with JavaScript is that all bytes are not equal. A 200 KB script and a 200 KB image have very different costs."