Diigo Bookmarks 07/17/2018
- Browsh
"Browsh is a fully-modern text-based browser. It renders anything that a modern browser can; HTML5, CSS3, JS, video and even WebGL."
- marcus.io · Building accessible web apps - where to start?
"it seems to me that one of the problems of web app accessibility is educational material about the topic. Especially when it comes to starting points."
- The Complete Illustrated Flexbox Tutorial - freeCodeCamp
"When I started to learn Flexbox, I wanted to see everything it was capable of. But, I wasn't able to find a thorough tutorial showing examples of all Flex properties. So, I created these diagrams with Flex to provide a bird's eye view."
- What every product designer should take away from Lyft's new UI
"Make sure your most frequently interacted with elements are the most reachable elements of your interface."
- Pattern Library First: An Approach For Managing CSS -- Smashing Magazine
"Fractal can build our CSS. In our projects, we make it so that Fractal is the only place we build and process CSS and other assets for the site. What this means is that our pattern library and site or application do not drift."
- Why GOV.UK content should be published in HTML and not PDF - Government Digital Service
"Compared with HTML content, information published in a PDF is harder to find, use and maintain. More importantly, unless created with sufficient care PDFs can often be bad for accessibility and rarely comply with open standards."