Diigo Bookmarks 07/13/2018
- Postmortem for Malicious Packages Published on July 12th, 2018 - ESLint - Pluggable JavaScript linter
"On July 12th, 2018, an attacker compromised the npm account of an ESLint maintainer and published malicious versions of the eslint-scope and eslint-config-eslint packages to the npm registry."
- SwitchHosts!
"SwitchHosts! is an App for hosts management & switching. It is a free and open source software."
- Email Client Market Share Trends for the First Half of 2018 - Litmus Software, Inc.
"Apple's iPhone (29%) and Gmail (27%) remain the the most popular environments to read email. With a combined market share of 56%, the majority of all emails are read in one of these clients."
- Web Components in 2018 - Blog | SitePen
"The Shadow DOM allows developers to write simple, scoped CSS which is arguably easier to manage and generally better for performance. Custom Elements give a unified methodology for defining components that can (in theory) get used across codebases and teams."
- Demand Refunds for Invalid HTML in Courses | Adrian Roselli
"If you are taking courses to improve your development skills or learn new technologies, whether online or in real life, you should be comfortable demanding a refund if you know the material is wrong."
- 10 years of the App Store: The design evolution of the earliest apps | 9to5Mac
"To celebrate the App Store's 10th anniversary, let's study the visual evolution of 10 original App Store apps."