Diigo Bookmarks 07/05/2018
- Growth Rock » The Link Bar, an Ecommerce Mobile Homepage Navigation Alternative (to the Hamburger Menu)
"Recent AB tests we've done suggest that many ecommerce sites could see an increase in mobile conversion rate by adding a "bar" of navigation links at the top of their mobile homepage, instead of relying solely on the hamburger menu."
- What we don't talk about when we talk about design tools
"We should be wary of designers who talk about tools without sharing their process too. The tools we use are only ever as good as our reasons and methods for using them."
- Bruce Lawson's personal site : Content needs a publication date!
"I mark mine up with microdata as suggested by schema.org (founded and used by Google, Microsoft, Yahoo and Yandex) in the hope that their search engines will prioritise newer content. pubdate is required by Apple's WatchOS because, well, being needlessly different makes web development more fun."
- Eight Things You Need To Know About Design Systems - Tradecraft - Medium
"Any design system is better than no design system at all."
- Designing for Global Accessibility, Part I - Library - Google Design
"Living in an increasingly globalized world means that there's an opportunity to proactively build ethical and meaningful products that are inclusive of societies and cultures worldwide. Let's start that journey by learning more about designing for global accessibility."
- State of the Internet - The GDPR Effect - Catchpoint's Blog - Web Performance Monitoring
"The table below includes performance data for one such major media website, illustrating exactly how the content of the site was altered based on the user location."
- Clearfix: A Lesson in Web Development Evolution | CSS-Tricks
"Even without flow-root, there's lots of ways to make a grid these days. If you were just starting out on the web, there'd be little reason to even learn about it."