Diigo Bookmarks 06/29/2018
- I Don't Believe in Full-Stack Engineering • Robin Rendle
"Every company that ignores front-end development is doing so at their own peril; they'll lose millions of dollars every year because their websites are slow, they'll be sued for violating accessibility laws, and they won't be able to ship beautiful, high-quality and well-organized interfaces because no-one will be there to build them."
- Optimizing CSS: ID Selectors and Other Myths -- SitePoint
"What we can see from this test is that it's not really worth it to worry over CSS selector performance. Just don't overdo it with pseudo selectors and really long selectors."
- Towards ever faster websites with early hints and priority hints
"With this new importance attribute, developers can control the order in which resources will be downloaded if there is competition for the network. It's also possible that low importance resources might be deferred by the browser until the CPU and network are idle or for other reasons of the device's choosing."
- Designing for accessibility is not that hard - UX Collective
"I want to share with you some of the simple steps we took so you can also make your sites more accessible. These principles focus on web and mobile accessibility."
- I discovered a browser bug - JakeArchibald.com
"I've covered two browser security issues here, but these bugs started when browsers implemented range requests for media elements, which wasn't covered by the standard."
- WCAG 2.1 -- 2.5.2 Pointer Cancellation -- Knowbility
"Design actions to happen on the up event and provide a mechanism to abort or undo the action. Developers should use the built-in, generic onclick events that happen on the up event by default. Only use the down event when the the behavior is essential."