Diigo Bookmarks 06/06/2018
- Deque Systems announces support of WCAG 2.1
"With immediate support of WCAG 2.1 across our services and training and inclusion of automated rulesets in the next release of our accessibility testing library axe-core, we hope you share our excitement for this advancement of the accessibility industry."
- WCAG 2.1 is a W3C Recommendation | W3C Blog
WCAG 2.2 may be developed under a similar timeline and requirements set than WCAG 2.1 was, though we plan to refine the process to address process challenges experienced during the development of WCAG 2.1."
- W3C Issues Improved Accessibility Guidance for Websites and Applications
"WCAG 2.1 updates WCAG 2.0 and expands W3C's accessibility guidance, while maintaining W3C's standard of implementable, technology neutral, objectively testable and universally applicable accessibility guidance."
- Eric's Archived Thoughts: Specificity in :not(), :has(), and :matches()
"The Working Group recently decided that the specificity contributed from inside a :not() will be equal to the single selector with the highest specificity."
- Side-channel attacking browsers through CSS3 features | Security Research - Evonide
"We (co-)discovered a side-channel vulnerability in browser implementations of the CSS3 feature "mix-blend-mode" which allowed to leak visual content from cross-origin iframes."
- Microsoft to acquire GitHub for $7.5 billion | Stories
"Microsoft is a developer-first company, and by joining forces with GitHub we strengthen our commitment to developer freedom, openness and innovation"
- Adactio: Journal--AMPstinction
"If the AMP project existed in order to create a web where AMP was no longer needed, I think I could get behind it."