Diigo Bookmarks 06/03/2018
- Everything you need to know about Design Systems - UX Collective
"I keep hearing various definitions, so let me start by saying what a Design System isn't: it is not a Sketch library, no more than a Style guide or a Pattern Library... Actually, it's all of this and so much more!"
- The HTML & CSS Security Checklist | Sqreen
"This checklist aims to help developers learn security best practices and avoid vulnerabilities. Every item of the checklist are sorted by category to make it more usable."
- Making the Shift from Designing GUIs to Designing VUIs :: UXmatters
"Gartner predicts that 75% of households will have smart speakers by 2020. Many developers have jumped on the bandwagon and are creating VUIs."
- The State of Changing Gradients with CSS Transitions and Animations | CSS-Tricks
"Edge supports animating gradients with CSS, just like IE 10 did back then, but no other browser has added support for this."
- Rediscovering Apple's 1987 Identity Guidelines
"As we start to unfold it, we to notice that each fold presents a different translation of "No." above an incorrect use of Apple's identity."
- PWA Minimus: A minimal PWA checklist - mobiForge
"Now that Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are supported on all major browsers, and are becoming first-class installable citizens on mobile and desktop platforms alike, and with the launch of Google's PWA .app domain, we thought it would be useful to outline a PWA checklist to meet the minimum requirements of a PWA."