Diigo Bookmarks 05/06/2018
- Is service worker ready?
- Finger-friendly numerical inputs with `inputmode` | CSS-Tricks
"inputmode has been a WHATWG spec for a couple of years, and has finally been implemented by Chrome as of version 66"
- line-clamp | CSS-Tricks
"what if we want to introduce the ellipsis not on the first line but somewhere, say, the third line of text?"
- Skipto
"The SkipTo script creates a drop-down menu consisting of the links to the important places on a given web page."
- CSS Grid: More flexibility with minmax() by Michelle Barker on CodePen
"minmax() is a function that can be used in your grid-template-columns or grid-template-rows property to size your grid tracks."
- Grid Level 2 and Subgrid
"At the CSS Working Group meeting in Berlin we resolved that subgrids should be able to be single axis only, returning them to the original concept rather than the revised one mentioned in my 2016 post."