Diigo Bookmarks 05/05/2018
- Custom domains on GitHub Pages gain support for HTTPS | The GitHub Blog
"We have partnered with the certificate authority Let's Encrypt on this project. As supporters of Let's Encrypt's mission to make the web more secure for everyone, we've officially become Silver-level sponsors of the initiative."
- The Power of Flex-Grow - Hacker Noon
"Let's face it, laying out a website can sometimes be challenging, especially when some of the content may be dynamic. At times, we may need to add or remove content based on user input, or other conditions."
- The Best Place for Error Messages on Forms
"The western reading system goes from left to right. When users move their eyes from the input to the error message, it feels like a natural progression that requires little mental and visual effort. Moving their eyes from the error message back to input for correction also follows the natural flow for rereading text."
- Correct Cursor on Active Elements
"I hope now this topic is obvious and you would go and add the cursor:pointer to anywhere on you page where it is needed."
- Homepage - Australian Government Design System
"Uniting teams that create digital services, through inclusive design, open-source code and shared insights."
- The Fast and Slow of Design
"How can we create sustainable, balanced design systems that serve our companies and products for the long term?"