Diigo Bookmarks 03/30/2018
- In web design, everything hard can be easy again - Webflow Design - Medium
"let's rethink our assumption that code is the only way, and let's follow the example of other successful creative industries. Let's make the hard things in web design easy again!"
- Focusing on Focus Styles | CSS-Tricks
"There's also the fact that devices are far less binary about their input types than they used to be. The Surface, Microsoft's flagship computer, offers keyboard, trackpad, stylus, camera, voice, and touch capability out of the box."
- chrissimpkins/Crunch: Insane(ly slow but wicked good) PNG image optimization (macOS)
"Crunch is a macOS tool for lossy PNG image file optimization."
- Tools to Help Assess Ebook Accessibility - EPUBSecrets
"Once you've got your ebook workflow down, paying attention to the nuances of accessibility, how do you check that work? There is no substitute for experience, but I have a couple of tools that can help."
- How display: contents; Works
"If the element is effectively replaced by its contents, what does that mean for any attributes applied to it? Since this replacement is, for the most part, visual only, we can actually still select, target, and interact with the element using its attributes."
- Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: Rolling out mobile-first indexing
"Today we're announcing that after a year and a half of careful experimentation and testing, we've started migrating sites that follow the best practices for mobile-first indexing."
- Creating Accessible HTML: A Crash Course in ARIA Landmark Regions
"What if I told you there are a set of roles, states, and properties that enhance HTML for the purpose of accessibility? What if I told you you're probably already implementing some of them?"