Diigo Bookmarks 03/18/2018
- Why the future of apps is good news for developers but bad news for people with disabilities | AbilityNet
"Compared to a native mobile app or piece of software on your computer, modern websites and web apps are much less easy to navigate and operate for disabled users."
- Ethical Design: The Practical Getting-Started Guide -- Smashing Magazine
"The effectuation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in late May 2018 will be an efficient tool in the fight against companies that are unethical by design."
- Labels Required | Filament Group, Inc., Boston, MA
"Out of curiousity, I tested both on the same field and each screen reader read the combination of label, aria-label, and placeholder text differently: NVDA omits the placeholder, VoiceOver (Mac) omits the label text, and VoiceOver (iOS) omits the aria-label."
- Variable Fonts Demo | Microsoft Edge Demos
"When EdgeHTML 17 ships, all modern desktop-based browsers will support font-variation-settings, except for Firefox, where it is behind a flag."
- Wladimir Palant's notes: Can Chrome Sync or Firefox Sync be trusted with sensitive data?
"The answer is currently "no," both services have weaknesses in their protection. Some of these weaknesses are worse than others however."
- Opera Mini is fast losing mobile market share to Google Chrome in Africa - Techzim
"as more Africans have migrated to smartphones, and these are becoming cheaper to buy, Google Chrome has become the default browser on mobile phones."