Diigo Bookmarks 03/17/2018
- Swapping Images with the Sizes Attribute | Filament Group, Inc., Boston, MA
"One thing that is interesting about sizes is that the browser trusts its description over the actual image's size in the page layout, which may not actually correspond at all. In other words, sizes allows you to lie about an image's layout size, and that turns out to be pretty powerful for dynamic image components like a magnifier tool."
- AMP is not the issue, it's Google | Responsive Web Design
"while we, you and I, are in outrage about the stance that Google is taking when it comes to AMP there is one simple solution. Stop. Using. Google."
- Campaign. -- Ethan Marcotte
"Until such a point as those standards get finalized, and then they're adopted by a significant number of browsers, AMP's going to work exactly the way it has."
- Inside Google's plan to make the whole web as fast as AMP - The Verge
"AMP has served as a vessel for worries about Google's power over the web, the dicey future of news publishing, and whatever general angst we all feel about the sorry state of most mobile webpages."
- How to find and fix brittle CSS - Ropig
"If CSS is "hacky", there is probably a cleaner way! Using clean, flexible styles will keep styles self-contained so they don't break randomly."
- CSS Tip: Use :not to Save Time and Lines of Code :: Brightly Colored
"Finally started making my life easier by using :not(:last-of-type) rather than overriding with a separate :last-of-type rule."