Diigo Bookmarks 03/05/2018
- Lesser known CSS quirks & advanced tips - Peedu Tuisk - Medium
"Below you'll find some of the weirdest CSS features, along with tips and tricks for advanced CSS users."
- How I organize CSS in large projects using UFOCSS - Part 1
"Despite of what its name suggests, UFOCSS is the acronym of User Friendly Oriented CSS. This is not an alien-like methodology and it's not really a new way of thinking about scalable and modular CSS architecture."
- CSS Centering Explorer
"Find the way that how to center things in CSS"
- Beyond Tools: How Building A Design System Can Improve How You Work -- Smashing Magazine
"Often, when people talk about design systems, they're really talking about style guides because that's the most tangible part of the work. The style guide is like the tip of an iceberg."
- WebAIM: Overly Accessible?
"Yes, if you think of accessibility as code practices and techniques, then these can be overdone resulting in a less than optimal end user experience. But if you think of accessibility as being that end user experience, then no, you can't make a site overly accessible because those accessibility improvements would inherently benefit everyone"
- Gifski | Sindre Sorhus
"Gifski is a macOS app for the gifski encoder, which converts videos to GIF animations using pngquant's fancy features for efficient cross-frame palettes and temporal dithering. It produces animated GIFs that use thousands of colors per frame."