Diigo Bookmarks 03/04/2018
- Questions To Ask Before Building a Component Library | Chromatic
"a component library can also introduce friction. They add complexity and there is plenty of room for error. Fortunately, like any technical project, we can ease this friction with proper planning. Answering key questions before building a single component can go a long way towards ensuring the library's success."
- Measuring the Hard-to-Measure - CSS Wizardry - CSS Architecture, Web Performance Optimisation, and more, by Harry Roberts
"I want to talk about being able to measure just how many users do have JavaScript disabled."
- Responsive Components: a Solution to the Container Queries Problem -- Philip Walton
"ResizeObserver, following in the footsteps of similar APIs like MutationObserver and IntersectionObserver, allows web developers to observe size changes to DOM elements in a highly-performant way."
- Adactio: Journal--Offline itineraries with service workers
"there's a good chance that the device you make the booking on is not the same device that you'd have with you out and and about. Because caches are local to the browser, that's a problem."
- Trickle-Down Accessibility - CSUN 2018 | :last-child
"Matt May tweeted an observation in 2016 introducing Trickle-Down Accessibility and recognized prioritizing our blind customers could lead to less support for others."
- How to prevent CSS holding up the display of a web page
"One thing that is changing is what constitutes valid HTML, with style sheet references outside of the document head valid in the latest versions of HTML5."