Diigo Bookmarks 02/04/2018
- Why Japanese Web Design Is (Still) the Way It Is
"Japanese people tend to require more information before reaching a purchasing decision."
- One File, Many Options: Using Variable Fonts on the Web | CSS-Tricks
"Variable fonts have shipped in Chrome and Safari. They are already in the insider preview version of Edge and behind a flag in Firefox. At the current time, not all parts of the spec are fully implemented by Chrome."
- What my color-blindness taught me about design - UX Collective
"In most of the cases, designers are not the target audience of the design. Developing an empathy is critical in design. And it is a skill that every designer can practice and grow."
- Hyperloop Interface. Around the World in a Minute. - Prototypr
"In this article, we want to talk about creating an app for Hyperloop. After all, they call it the 5th transport mode, with its own infrastructure. So its interface will be totally unique, with its own functionality and usability."
- CSS Grid + CSS Multi-Columns = ♥ - Patrick Brosset - Medium
"box-decoration-break. This CSS property can be used to define how things like background, borders, margins and paddings work in fragmentation cases"
- How to Implement Accessibility in Agency Projects: Part 2 | Viget
"Our need to start accounting for new patterns of input and output beyond the desktop computer and mouse wound up being a boon to accessibility on the web."
- Designing Voice User Interfaces - O'Reilly Media
"this practical book guides you through basic VUI design principles, helps you choose the right speech recognition engine, and shows you how to measure your VUI's performance and improve upon it."