Diigo Bookmarks 02/01/2018
- Design Systems: The Parts | Viget
"From what I've seen, the differences from one system to another are mostly about nomenclature and how best to organize things. For us, we've largely defined Design Systems as "a digital library of guidelines and resources.""
- How to use variable fonts in the real world - Clear(left) Thinking - Medium
"Chrome 62+, Firefox 57+ and Edge 17+ all support variable fonts (Firefox only on a Mac and if you set the correct flags). However none of the preceding code works."
- The Power of Serverless
"Web developers of all kinds can take advantage of it, but this site is particularly interested in how it relates to and helps front-end web developers."
- Building a Good Download... Button? | CSS-Tricks
"the download attribute is unique to anchor links for a reason. download augments the inherent functionality of the link retrieving data."
- Boilerform
"Boilerform is a little HTML and CSS boilerplate to take the pain away from working with forms."
- Results from the main landmark survey | The Paciello Group - Your Accessibility Partner (WCAG 2.0/508 audits, VPAT, usability and accessible user experience)
"161 people (68%) said they only expected one main landmark on a page. 163 people (68.5%) said that if they found a main landmark, they did not continue looking for others on the page."
- How to stop a print stylesheet slowing down your web page
"if you do use loadCSS to ensure that a print CSS file doesn't block rendering, you just need to remove the media type from the file reference and wrap the contents of the file in @media print { ... }."