Diigo Bookmarks 12/09/2017
- Thoughts On The Inclusive Web - 24 Accessibility
"Companies develop websites with the intention of making money. We want to spend our money like everyone else. We don't want to be denied because of no access. If they want to increase their bottom line, they would do well to think inclusion."
- Adactio: Journal--Origin story
"The web (like the internet upon which it runs) was designed to be flexible, and to adjust to future use-cases that couldn't be predicted in advance. The best proof of this flexibility is the fact that we can and do now build rich interactive applications on the World Wide Web. If the web had truly been designed only for documents, that wouldn't be possible."
- Introducing the Web Media Extension Package with OGG Vorbis and Theora support for Microsoft Edge - Microsoft Edge Dev BlogMicrosoft Edge Dev Blog
"Media Extensions are Media Foundation components designed to extend the core Windows platform and enable Windows apps including Microsoft Edge to support an ever-increasing range of formats. Media Extensions, much like browser extensions, allow customers to extend their device beyond the core experience shipped as part of Windows 10."
- The User Experience of Design Systems
"I want to talk about design systems, but rather than encouraging you all to use them - which is what I normally do - I want to try to answer this question: Are there negative effects of using design systems in digital products?"
- Web Content Accessibility Guidelines--for People Who Haven't Read Them ◆ 24 ways
"The editors needed to create a single standard that countries around the world could refer to in legislation, and so some of the language in the guidelines reads like legalese. The editors also needed to future-proof the guidelines, and so some terminology--such as "time-based media" and "programmatically determined"--can sound ambiguous. The guidelines can seem lengthy, too"
- The Three Developers and the Insightful User Tester - 24 Accessibility
"In an effort to rapidly bring our ideas to life, we may neglect to add in the fundamental structures that will ensure these ideas have a life that is healthy, built for longevity, and full of diversity."