Diigo Bookmarks 12/01/2017
- An Introduction to Scrollama.js
"Scrollama is a modern and lightweight JavaScript library for scrollytelling using IntersectionObserver in favor of scroll events."
- viewport-fit=cover is confusing for app developers | Backdrop
"even when you declare viewport-fit=cover in the HTML, Safari does not take amount of safeAreaInsets.top off from its contentInset.top, while it is taking safeAreaInsets off from other 3 edges (left, right, bottom)."
- Modern Asynchronous CSS Loading | Filament Group, Inc., Boston, MA
"one advantage that rel="preload" brings is that supporting browsers will start downloading the file earlier than they would with say, a stylesheet with a non-matching media value."
- The Best Request Is No Request, Revisited · An A List Apart Article
"To reach the full potential of HTTP/2, we have to look at each case individually. An optimization that might be good for one website can have a negative effect on another."
- Netflix functions without client-side React, and it's a good thing - JakeArchibald.com
"Netflix uses React on the client and server, but they identified that the client-side portion wasn't needed for the first interaction, so they leaned on what the browser can already do, and deferred client-side React."
- Eric's Archived Thoughts: Generating Wireframe Boxes with CSS and HTML5
"I thought about taking screenshots and Photoshopping wireframe boxes over the various layout pieces, but then I wondered: could I overlay boxes on the live page with CSS? Or perhaps even create and overlay them with nothing but some declarations and a wanton disregard for the sensibilities of god or man?"