Diigo Bookmarks 09/24/2017
Do you really care about accessibility? Stop box ticking!
"If we just think about accessibility as a technology problem, then we’re just looking for ways to make sure that we’re compliant, we’ve achieved some subjective rating against a standard. Which in theory is great, but web accessibility is not always so straightforward."
Playback Speed in Default Video Players | Adrian Roselli
"I feel that relying on the <video> element (thank you, HTML5) and default players in browsers should be a better long-term option, but they are not quite ready yet."
Designing Websites for iPhone X | WebKit
"we want to specify that our padding should be the default padding or the safe area inset, whichever is greater. This can be achieved with the brand-new CSS functions min() and max() which will be available in a future Safari Technology Preview release."
The mobile video revolution: are you ready? - mobiForge
"Delivering engaging video is partly about UX, partly about device targeting and partly about excellent creative. You need all three aspects to make it work."
Publishing@W3C: The convergence is well underway - Apex Covantage
"The ultimate vision was to get to a future version of EPUB that just works on the Web. The same file, online or offline."
Setting Up a Design System – Design + Sketch – Medium
"Frames is a product made by a designer with the idea to implement latest Sketch features into a single UI Library by combining best practices and helpful techniques that can save a lot of time in the long run for anyone familiar with sketch app."