Diigo Bookmarks 09/14/2017
EPUB 2 or EPUB 3? That Is Not a Question – EPUBSecrets
"Creating well-structured EPUB 3 files means that the process of converting to MOBI/KF8 is easier. The EPUB 3 standard is referred to no fewer than five times in Amazon’s Kindle Publishing Guidelines. Those guidelines as much as say that following the navigation requirements of the EPUB 3 specification will lead to a better reading experience in Kindle products."
Introducing Atom-IDE | blog.atom.io
"Our initial release includes packages for TypeScript, Flow, JavaScript, Java, C# and PHP that utilize the power of language servers to provide deep syntactical analysis of your code and projects."
CSS in JS is like replacing a broken screwdriver with your favorite hammer.
"There is a real problem here to be solved - it is entirely possible to create terrible, unmaintainable, disastrous CSS. In fact, it's extremely common to do so!"
The Netscape Mosaic Coup - The History of the Web
"In mid-April of 1994, Netscape co-founders Marc Andreessen and Jim Clark boarded a plane from Silicon Valley to Illinois, held a meeting, then flew back a few days later with a full engineering team in tow. And that’s pretty much how Netscape got started."
How to Implement Structured Data for SEO - Moz
"JSON-LD is Google’s recommended approach, and in general is a cleaner, simpler implementation... but it is worth noting that Bing does not yet officially support JSON-LD. Also, if you have a Wordpress site, you may be able to use a plugin"
10 Creative Examples of CSS Grid in Action
"Here are 10 layouts we found that range anywhere from “useful” to “wow”. We’ll also share a link to each layout on CodePen so that you can do your own experimentation."