Diigo Bookmarks 08/09/2017
The Accidental A11y Advocate – EPUBSecrets
"AT works differently with different operating systems or browsers. Some problems don’t have a universal solution yet. Others have a solution for some audiences and not others. New solutions for one group of users may introduce new problems for other groups."
Shoelace.css – a back to the basics CSS starter kit
"Shoelace is highly customizable through CSS variables. It doesn’t require Less, Sass, or any preprocessing at all. Just link to shoelace.css and add customizations directly to your stylesheet."
Apple Pay Suica Inbound – Ata Distance
"With Suica already on Apple Pay and Apple controlling both software and hardware, it is simply a matter of when Apple turns on NFC-F for all iPhone 7 devices everywhere."
100 Questions Designers Always Ask – UX Power Tools – Medium
"Being a designer isn’t just pushing pixels and perfecting gradients. If I’ve learned anything from my agency day job at Innovatemap and my side project UX Power Tools, it’s that we have to be part designer, part marketer, part sales person, and part user."
"A fullyaccessibleHTML, CSS, and Javascript front-end framework for creating web and mobile applications."
NV Access | Jamie: Moving On from NV Access
"Although I won’t be working for NV Access or full time on NVDA, I will still be participating from the sidelines. I will remain on the NV Access Board of Directors, helping to steer and advise the organisation at a strategic level."