Diigo Bookmarks 07/22/2017
Building a PWAMP #0: Introducing the ShadowReader – The Sea of Ideas
"I’m happy to introduce the ShadowReader, a (fairly) production-ready, vanilla-JS implementation of the PWAMP pattern combining AMP and PWA."
Why display: contents is not CSS Grid Layout subgrid
"display: contents does indeed solve a class of problems, but these are different problems to those that subgrid would help us with. In this post I take a look at the different use cases."
Playing with Shadow DOM | CSS-Tricks
"It's a totally understandable need for control. An embedded Tweet should look and behave just exactly like an embedded Tweet. They don't want to worry about the styles of the page bleeding in and messing that up."
Adactio: Journal—Container queries
"Houdini is the CSS arm of the extensible web. Just as web components will allow us to create powerful new HTML without lobbying browser makers, Houdini will allow us to create powerful new CSS features without going cap-in-hand to standards bodies."
How to create a pattern library and why you should bother
"Once a website reaches a certain size and complexity (especially if many subsites are involved) the argument for a pattern library are overwhelming. These benefits are three-fold"
"SEO Is Always Changing"... Or Is It?: Debunking the Myth and Getting Back to Basics - Moz
"If SEO is really this simple, why do people talk about how it changes all the time? This is where we have to separate the theory of SEO from the tactics we use as SEO professionals to grow traffic and optimize for better rankings. "