昨日のことですが、Yammerを開いたら不意にデスクトップアプリがあるよみたいな通知が現れて、まさかそんなと思ったら実在してたんですね。インストールして開いてみた限り、何か特別に作り込まれたような類ではなく、単にWebブラウザで開くのと遜色ない、喩えるならかつてのMozilla Prismぽいものでしたが。ちょっと調べたところ、このアプリは今年のバレンタインデーにThe Yammer desktop app is coming soon - Microsoft Tech Communityで予告されていたものらしい:
Happy Valentine's Day! We believe that building trust in our relationship means listening to your feedback and letting you know we've heard you. As part of our continued commitment to helping you be productive in whichever way you're working, we are excited to confirm that we are getting ready to release a Yammer desktop app for Windows and Mac in the next few months.
Seems to be just a 32bit version. Interestingly, it appears to be simply a wrapped version of the web interface using Electron which is built on Node.JS (Same technology used for Microsoft Visual Studio Code).
Not really clear whether there are any actual benefits to using it this way but I'll give it a go for a while.