Diigo Bookmarks 07/17/2017
Vertical split screen design trend – UX Planet
"Split screen design is a logical and trendy way to give two contrasting elements equal consideration."
"m.uber is designed to be fast even on 2G networks, so client size is critical. Our core app (the essential part of the app that allows you to request a ride) comes in at just 50kB gzipped and minified, which means a three second time to interaction on typical 2G (250kB/s, 300ms latency) networks."
JavaScript really is overtaking the world – FED || Dead – Medium
"I’d like to see the state of your UI if you’re only interested in the JavaScript part of front end development, and no React and CSS-in-JS will not save you."
PWA Directory: Loading content faster in the Application Shell.
"In PWA Directory, we can use this original URL to derive the URL for the content, for example, we are adding the contentOnly=true parameter to request the server to return html content without headers/footers already included in our shell."
Your Site—Any Site—Should be a PWA | Aaron Gustafson
"like DHTML, Ajax, and HTML5 before, when viewed as a catch-all term for an approach to building stuff for the web it really shouldn’t matter that the word “app” is in there."
"Find color description, color meaning and thousands of color combinations on Canva's Design Wiki - the ultimate color reference."